At St. Helena School, we believe that technology should be incorporated into all areas of our academic curriculum. Technology is dynamic and we strive to keep up with the latest research on technology in education. Our technology lab provides students with the tools to participate in 21st Century Learning and allows them to expand on their knowledge of not only their academics, but the global world in which we now live. An important part of our technology education is internet safety and ethics, and how technology continues to affect our ever-changing world. Students engage in technology using Chromebooks and Smartboards. Classroom instruction is supported with some of the following learning tools: Google Classroom, Khan Academy, online textbooks, IXL, and MAP.
Pre-Kindergarten to Grade Two
Basic technology skills such as mouse manipulation, keyboarding, and website navigation are introduced in Pre-Kindergarten. These skills are expanded upon and developed further as students advance in grade level.
Grades Three to Five
Students work in Google Classroom using a variety of Google Apps like Google Docs, Slides and Sheets. Keyboarding skills continue and typing challenges are introduced. Digital Citizenship and a variety of open source apps are introduced to supplement the academic curriculum. Some coding is introduced.
Grades Six to Eight
In middle school, students work towards mastering the Google Apps advanced functions to present research. Students evaluate different app programs to determine which best fits the needs of their technology-based projects. Coding is a focus in Grades Seven and Eight.